A cookie is a piece of information stored on the computer or hardware of an internet user by the server of the site that he visits. Within a computer, cookies are managed by the web browser.
Browsing on the ATALIAN Group site may lead to the installation of cookies on the User’s hardware.
The purpose of these cookies are to:
– Measure the audience of the site;
– Improve the functioning of the site;
The ATALIAN Group uses a service to analyze the visits to its site.
The ATALIAN Group can read the information stored in such cookies at the time of future visits by the user.
The data concerning the cookies of the Internet users is keptfor a period of 13 months as of its collection.
Some cookies are installed by third parties and allow for the collection of information on the website of the ATALIAN Group.
Internet users can block the recording of cookies by configuring their browsers in a certain way. With these setting linked to the use of cookies, certain functionalities of the site may no longer work properly, and the ATALIAN Group cannot be held liable for this.
Users can also configure the cookies on the website by clicking on [gdpr_preferences text=”Privacy Preferences”].