Since 2010, the ATALIAN Group has been committed to a social responsibility initiative and has integrated the principles and structuring of the ISO 26000 standard.
The Group’s CSR strategy includes a list of 17 environmental, social and governance issues, while prioritizing them in view of their importance for the Group’s stakeholders and their impact on its activities. ATALIAN has been a member of the United Nations Global Compact since 2012, is a signatory of the Diversity Charter since 2014 and of the Caring for Climate declaration since 2015.
- Health and safety of employees
- Fight against corruption
- Human rights
- Financial performance
- Attractive employer
- Fight against discrimination
- Business ethics and responsible governance
- Well-being of occupants and users
- Innovation and adaptation to technological evolution
- Waste management
ATALIAN has been a member of the United Nations Global Compact since 2012.
This is a United Nations initiative launched in 2000 to encourage companies around the world to adopt a socially responsible attitude. ATALIAN is therefore committed to respecting the 10 principles of the Global Compact grouped around 4 fundamental themes (human rights, labour rights, environment, anti-corruption).
ATALIAN has been a signatory of the Caring for Climate since 2015.
Through this initiative ATALIAN highlights its solutions and business strategy and shares its best practices in the fight against climate change.
ATALIAN has been awarded the EcoVadis Gold Medal for 2022.
Atalian obtained a score of 73/100 by EcoVadis. The Group is among the top 2% of companies assessed by EcoVadis in the “Integrated Facilities Support Activities” business sector.
ATALIAN has been a signatory of the Diversity Charter since 2014.
The Group is keen to demonstrate and formalise its commitment to non-discrimination and diversity. Based on six articles, the Diversity Charter guides the Group in the implementation of new practices, involving all its employees and partners.